1st Executive Blog


Written by Andrew Thoseby | Mar 29, 2020 10:04:18 PM

Estimated Reading Time: 30 secs

Managing and driving change in an organisation can be a challenge even for seasoned leaders – only about a third of change initiatives succeed. We’ve recently gained access to extensive research that tells us why some organizations don’t progress but also why and how others succeed.



One of the things that what we do at the start of any advisory engagement is evaluate an organization's Readiness for change as it’s one of the key factors influencing change success.

The other "headline factors are Capabilities and Beliefs.  Underneath these are 10 more granular factors,  which when addressed to an optimum level take teh likelihood of change success up to 80%

Are you having trouble implementing change? Give us a call on 03 8617 8120 or drop us a line at athoseby@1stexecutive.com.au.