The 1st Executive

Our Blog

The 9 Lives of the Recruitment and Search Industry

Where change is systemic You have all heard the saying, “a cat has nine lives”. In Egyptian mythology cats were considered...
17 April, 2023 /

The Great Resignation – A Fizzer in Australia

In September last year, Harvard Business Review reported that according to the US bureau of labour statistics 4 million...
09 March, 2022 /

Executive Search and Recruitment - Making it Stick

5 Strategies to Consider In many ways the “replacement guarantee” is the bane of both employers’ and search consultants’ lives....
04 October, 2021 /

7 New Executive Search Trends

Despite the impact of the global pandemic, in developed economies employment has held up extraordinarily well. While there is no...
22 September, 2021 /

The 5 Phases of a High Performing Leader

“A November 2020 McKinsey article entitled ‘Closing the capability gap in the time of COVID 19 draws attention to an evolved,...
24 March, 2021 /

Our Second 21st

I am sure we can all remember turning 21. Officially it was a coming-of-age and most of us would look forward to a life and...
11 March, 2021 /